Any normal person thinks about how to be successful in the modern world. What to do, what to develop in oneself, in order to confidently consider oneself a successful person. It is quite obvious that nowadays, in order to become a successful person, one needs not only a good education and knowledge, but also some personal skills. Not just individual abilities, but basic ones, that is, basic skills that can lead a person to success. Below we will discuss the basic skills of a successful person in the modern world that will help achieve success in any field.
Stories about hiking and traveling, real and fictional, and a little bit about cryptocurrencies...
How to choose the right clothing for a mountain hike - Survival in the mountains 03
Choosing the right clothing for a hike is an important question that can be crucial in extreme conditions, as well as affect your comfort in moderate weather conditions. Properly chosen clothing is the key to a successful mountain hike. Hiking clothes should protect you from the environment, but also provide freedom of movement. No matter where you plan to go, always keep an eye on the condition and cleanliness of your clothing. Dirty and greasy clothing loses its protective properties, so always monitor the condition of your clothing.
Mountain hike - a path to self-cleansing and self-development
In our modern world, we increasingly encounter problems related to our inner selves. Sometimes we feel insecure, limited, and unable to control our lives. However, when we go to the mountains, we find a way to get rid of this burden and cleanse our inner selves.
Shoes for mountain hikes, how to choose boots and take care of them - Survival in the mountains 02
Mountain hiking is one of the most exciting and thrilling adventures that people can experience. However, like any other adventure, good preparation and proper equipment are needed for a successful mountain hike. One of the key elements on this list is footwear. On hikes along mountain routes, the right choice of footwear is critical to your comfort and safety. In this article, I will share with you some tips on choosing and using footwear for mountain hiking, as well as how to care for it.
Hiking as a tool to combat procrastination
Procrastination is one of the serious cognitive distortions, where a person constantly postpones some action or decision until the last moment and instead engages in something else. Usually, something not particularly important, like checking email, scrolling through social media feeds, or doing other insignificant tasks. They put off unpleasant decisions or difficult tasks until later, thinking that they need to do something else at the moment, and then something else after that, and so on. As a result of this delay, the necessary decisions are not made on time, and what actually needed to be done remains undone. As they say, "put it off until autumn, and then just forget about it."
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